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October 2023


Bezmialem Science 2023;11(4):0-0
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Dear Readers;

We are together with you, our valued readers, in the last issue of 2023. It has been a year where we have experienced together the advantages and disadvantages of publishing in a multidisciplinary field. We strive to have an article from every discipline in each issue. The fact that the numbers coming from some disciplines are higher puts us in a difficult situation in this effort. For this reason, there may be some delays in the publication of some articles, I believe you will understand this. We will be with you again in the coming period with intense effort and cooperation, and we will mostly include original and experimental studies.

In this issue, we chose our cover image from Becer E et al.’s article titled “Quercetin Change the Exosome Secretion and Total miRNA Concentration in Primary (Colo320) and Metastatic (Colo741) Colon Cancer Cell Lines”. The study aimed to determine the effects of quercetin, which is considered a potential anti-cancer agent in the prevention of colon cancer, on the cytotoxicity of Dicer, Ago2, eIF2α CD9 and CD63 and exosomal miRNA secretion and expression in Colo320 and Colo741 colon cancer cell lines. We included it on the cover because it was a first-step tissue culture study to produce new active ingredients in the fight against cancer, one of the diseases that caused the most deaths today.

Our featured articles are as follows:

2-How The Pandemic Has Affected Children’s Weight and Height?-A Single Center Experience Nevin Cambaz Kurt, Tülin Kurtul Demirhan, Ahmet Sert, Habip Balsak, Hasan Önal; İstanbul, Ankara, Batman, Turkey

3- Chemical Composition and In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Endemic Thymus brachychilus Jalas Against Human Breast Adenocarcinoma (MCF-7, HTB-22), Human Lung Adenocarcinoma (A549, CRM-CCL-185), and Human Glioblastoma Cells (U-118 MG, HTB-15) Ebru ÖZDEMİR NATH, Mahmoud ABUDAYYAK, İlker DEMİRBOLAT, Sefa SÖNMEZ, Murat KARTAL; İstanbul, Turkey

4- Are Refugee and Native Patients’ Self-Care Agencies the Same?-A Cross-sectional Study in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients in Turkey Neşe KISKAÇ, Mahruk RASHİDİ, Egemen CEBECİ, İlkay ÇOBAN, Abdüsselam ŞEKERCİ; İstanbul, Turkey

5- Heat Stress Alters Oxidative and Inflammatory Responses in Many Tissues of Male Rats Esra ŞENTÜRK, Hilal ÜSTÜNDAĞ; Ağrı, Erzincan, Turkey

It will be our pleasure to be with you in our new issues in 2024. I would like to thank the new assistant editors and section editors who joined us this year, and the newly added referees to our staff. I would like to state that their scientific contributions are very valuable to us.

Dear scientists and our valued readers, I wish all the best to see you in the new issues in the new year...

Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Adem AKÇAKAYA
Editor in Chief