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October 2019


Bezmialem Science 2019;7(4):0-0
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No information available

Dear Readers,

We are happy to be with you in the last issue of this year. Publication language of our journal is going to be English by 2020, but we will continue to accept articles submitted in Turkish. The year 2019 has been a pretty successful year for us. In addition to national cooperation, we made meetings with international publishing houses and indexes to increase our recognition. The new indexes that we started to be indexed in this year are as follow: J-Gate, EuroPub, DOAJ, Hinari, GOALI, ARDI, OARE, AGORA, and ProQ. As is known, Emerging Sources Citation Index, TUBITAK ULAKBIM TR Index, EBSCO, Cinahl, CiteFactor, TurkMedline, Turk Atıf Dizini, İdealOnline, ROOT INDEXING, J-Gate, EuroPub, DOAJ, Hinari, GOALI, ARDI, OARE, AGORA, ProQuest were the indexes that we were indexed in. With your contributions, I believe that we will experience better developments in 2020.

In our new issue, we are very happy to be with you once again with beautiful topics. In this issue; the article entitled “The Utility of the Novel Hematologic Parameters for Predicting in Hospital Mortality in Patients with Acute Mesenteric Ischemia” by YILDIZ et al., the article entitled “Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Elderly Patients with Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer” by KEFELI et al., the article entitled “Results of Reverse Obliquity Intertrochanteric Fractures Treated with Third Generation Proximal Femur Nails” by ULKU et al., and the article entitled “Investigation of Foot Pressure Distribution in Asymptomatic Individuals with Mild Hallux Valgus” by TAS et al. are the articles that are in the forefront.

We are also happy that the recent articles that we received were mostly from the faculties of health sciences. It was one of our goals to be a journal where every branch and discipline in the field of health found a place for itself. We are happy to approach our goals step by step in Bezmialem Science with the strength we have received from you.

I would like to thank you again, our esteemed readers, writers and referees for your support on behalf of me and our board of editors.

Kindest regards,

Prof. Dr. Adem AKCAKAYA