Dear Colleagues,
I greet you with the second issue of Bezmialem Science in 2016. First of all, I want to thank our valuable authors who have contributed to our journal with many original research articles, reviews, and case reports both in and out of the institution after the inclusion of our journal in ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) and ULAKBIM TR Index, our readers who will move our journal forward, our editor assistants who have studied devotedly and selflessly, the AVES team who have always provided full support, and the esteemed administrators of our university who have supported our journal financially and morally.
In this period during which our country needs much more unity and solidarity more than ever, we must do our duty for our people by working hard and by growing up fully independent students having love of country and nation and feeling responsible for maintaining our unity and solidarity under the leadership of science.
Because of heavy demand for our journal and studies being accepted but waiting for publication, the number of articles in each issue will be increased as of 2017 and our journal will be published for four times a year. The manuscripts written in English will be given priority for publication. On the other hand, the studies in Turkish will be published after being translated into English if they are accepted in the evaluation process by reviewers. Therefore, in the following years, our publication language will be English predominantly.
Hoping to see you in the issue of December while saying good-bye in the issue of August…
Adem Akçakaya, MD, Prof.
Editor in Chief