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October 2017


Bezmialem Science 2017;5(4):0-0
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Dear Colleagues,

The first issue of Bezmialem Science was published on December 2013. While it used to be published three times a year then, it has been released as four issues in January, April, July, and October in a year since 2017 because of increased number of submitted articles.

The publication language of the journal, which includes original research articles, case reports, and reviews, is both Turkish and English.

Bezmialem Science is indexed by Web of Science-Emerging Sources Citation Index, TUBITAK ULAKBIM TR Index, EBSCO, and CINAHL. The target population of the journal includes medical academicians, specialists, assistants, and medical students. The aim of the journal is to publish high-ranking original research articles on basic and clinical sciences, reviews involving contemporary literature on medical education and practice, reports of rarely encountered cases, and studies that will contribute to continuous medical education.

In this issue, you can find many interesting and valuable articles. We present a total of 9 scientific studies including five original research articles, three case reports, and one review. The original articles in the issue of October are titled “Effectiveness of the Capapris Spinosa Treatment in Vitiligo” by Emiroğlu et al., “Retrospective Evaluation of Culture-Proven Neonatal Sepsis Cases Followed in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit” by Karacanoğlu et al., “Reconstruction of Composite Oromandibular Defects” by Altınkaya et al., “A Comparison between Pregabalin and Ketamine in Acute Pain Management After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy” by Haliloğlu et al., “In vivo Efficacy of HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) on Mice With Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma” by Hasbahçeci et al.

As the chief editor of Bezmialem Science, I thank our valuable reviewers for their contributions in the evaluation of scientific manuscripts submitted to our journal once more again. I present my gratitude to all academicians doing this duty devotedly and voluntarily. Our colleagues that want to take a role as reviewer in our journal can send their CVs to the e-mail address of “drakcakaya@ yahoo.com”. All applications are evaluated meticulously.

Moreover, I would like to announce that editorial writings written by academicians from our country and all around the world for our valuable readers will also be included in the issues of 2018. We strongly believe that these writings will present very beneficial knowledge.

On behalf of myself and the editorial board of Bezmialem Science, I thank you for your support and interest which, we wish, will continue.

Best regards,

Adem Akçakaya, MD, Prof.
Editor in Chief