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August 2015


Bezmialem Science 2015;3(2):0-0
No information available.
No information available

Dear esteemed colleagues:

On behalf of the journal of Bezmialem Science, which is an international, free (open access), electronic journal since 2013 and which publishes articles in every field of medicine that are within the scope of independent, unbiased, and double-blind peerreview principles, we are pleased to present a new issue that includes many molecular and clinical studies.

We are excited to learn from new colleagues, physicians, and health care providers who will work with us at the Bezmialem Vakıf University in the 2015-2016 academic year and who will contribute to our future.

This issue includes four clinical and molecular studies. In each issue, we attempt to publish review articles in addition to case reports and original clinical studies. Therefore, we aim to fill an important gap regarding medical education with invited review articles.

From 2016, we will be introducing a new section titled “Views in Clinical Practices” in order to increase the variety of studies published and to enrich the visual content of our journal. With respect to this, we would be pleased if you could share with us your interesting, rare or significant visual images that you encounter in your practices. You will find the guidelines regarding this section under the “Instructions to Authors.”

Moreover, in order for Bezmialem Science to play a role in the field of science, I would like to emphasize that we offer a free service of translation into English for articles that are in Turkish.

We again invite writers and reviewers to regularly contribute review articles, original articles, case reports, and views in clinical practices in English and Turkish to our journal.

Best Regards

Adem Akçakaya, MD, Prof.


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